Friday, January 26, 2018

January BINGO Social

BINGO was the word for the evening as branch members and guests heard from the Bingo singers and played a variety of bingo games  -- straight bingo, black-out and T bingo.  A delicious dinner including assorted sandwiches, salads, chips, popcorn, and a variety of desserts were enjoyed by all.  A huge shout-out to the hardworking committee:  Chairs Judi and Mel Pobanz, the Joneses, Nelsons, Smiths, McCallons and McCandless, for putting together such an enjoyable activity.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

RS "A New You" Activity

Relief Society Sisters were treated to two fascinating speakers:  Kaylyn Lyells described how to use color coding to gain more appreciation of one's patriarchal blessing, and Vivian Stuart talked about how color is used in all aspects of life, such as advertising, and even in the scriptures.  Thanks to Sister Olson and the Activity Committee for the wonderful activity, refreshments and fun afternoon.  
