Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Feb RS Activity: Cooking & Colors

SunRiver 4th Branch Relief Society Sisters learned how to make two delicious soups:  Sue Rapier's pantry soup and Kaye Nichol's Canadian cheese soup.  Everyone gave enthusiastic thumbs-up to both!  Then back in the Relief Society Room Roxanne Winder taught the color code personality profile developed by Dr. Taylor Hartman.  The lesson provoked a lot of discussion and laughs.  It's never too late to learn about ourselves!  Thanks to Sue Olson and the Activities Committee and our three instructors for the fun and educational afternoon.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Retro Valentines Social

Branch members and guests were decked out in red and pink for the Retro Valentines Social.  Among the activities were a cookie decorating contest (winner Charlotte Williams),  discovering how well couples know each other, and dancing to oldies.  Branch members provided a huge variety of yummy snacks and edibles. Thanks to the activity chairs Hansens and their dynamite committee: Rapiers, Houghs, Brenchleys, and Searles, for the great party.