Friday, April 20, 2018

"Spring is in the air" Branch Social

SunRiver 4th Branch members came out on a beautiful evening for dinner and a talent show.  We enjoyed a delicious supper of croissant sandwiches, an array of salads, and yummy desserts.  The talents included poetry, singing, story telling, and a long list of stand-up comics.  Many thanks to social committee chairs Brent and Dixie Hatch and their assistants: Cranors, Cruisers, Waddoups, and Lunsfords for a great evening of laughter and fellowship.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

RS Baby Shower -- Humanitarian Activity

SunRiver 4th Branch Relief Society sisters sewed and assembled beautiful gift packs loaded with baby shower items to give to the St. George Family Healthcare Center where they will be distributed to new moms in need.  An afternoon of fun, fellowship, and refreshments.