Friday, May 31, 2019

Summer Reading and Recipes

Relief Society sisters gathered in May for a delightful program to get us ready for a fun summer.  Pauline Morello gave ideas for summer reading.  Vicki Ricketts demonstrated how to cook crepes in any non-stick pan.  She also reviewed how to make cream puffs and eclairs.  Sisters were treated to chicken, asparagus and mushroom crepes, strawberry cream crepes and eclairs.  In addition, each lady received a copy of recipes that were served.  Special thanks to Mary Jo Snyder, Kristen Downs, Cindy Hayward, and Susie Tolly along with Paulie and Vicki, for a fantastic activity.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Branch Pot Luck

A great turnout of SunRiver 4th Branch members, families and guests enjoyed a delicious feast with gorgeous decorations on a beautiful spring day.  The planning committee put together a trivia show of 51 questions from sports to movies to political events. Thanks to chairs Val and Bart Hogan and their awesome team of workers: Doug and Loretta Anderson, Paulie and Mike Morello, Marv and Jill Jensen, Brenda Haslam, and Holly Norton, for a fantastic evening.

"And now a word from President Runyan"