Brenda Turner taught us to wise and aware of our surroundings. She reminded us that financial help can come from our families, the church and government and community resources.
Bountiful Baskets! Check it out!
Sue remined us to get our affairs in order and instructed us that our information needs to be kept safe and secure. Our children need to know where it can be found and it needs to accessible to them. Our vital information needs to be updated and current.
Sue recommended these food products for our storage! Don't forget the TP!!😀Karen discussed our need to beware of our surroundings. For example, secure our purses or bags when we shop. Zippers should be closed, wallets should be out of sight and not a temptation for other. Look out for your neighbors who are alone and call and check in on them. Be careful with scammers who prey on seniors.
It was wonderful meeting together and from the look of these smiles, everyone was enjoying themselves!
Our wonderful instructors said that if you have any questions about their presentations please contact them.