Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 2023 St George Visitors Center

August blog by Ardis Jensen

photo by Connie Beecroft

Nearly 30 sisters attended our Relief Society Activity Day at the Temple Visitors’ Center. 
Temple VC Director, Elder and Sister Meyer, shared a slide presentation featuring the old/new features of the temple. Many questions about the temple and the upcoming open house were answered. We were given directions on how to procure tickets using our phones to scan a code. It is expected that 12,000 people will attend the open house each day. There are no limits to the amount of tickets you may reserve. 

The sister missionaries role played situations showing how to invite our friends in a casual conversation. Do plan to go through the open house with your friends and then take them to the Visitors’ Center where they can learn more about the temple. Please remember going through the open house will be a silent tour as there will not be guides explaining each part of the temple. However, questions can be discussed in the Temple Visitors’ Center where additional help from the trained missionaries are available. 
Our sisters, Norma Mann and Ardis Jensen, who both served Visitors’ Center missions with their spouses, each bore personal testimonies of the sacredness of Visitors’ Centers and where you can feel the presence of the Spirit. Sister Angie Beirdneau shared that she got her testimony of the gospel when she visited the open house of the Seattle temple and how that experience has made all the difference. 
We urge all our sisters to be involved in this temple open house by inviting and sharing this event with friends and families and everyone we meet. The Lord loves effort and will take care of the rest. 

photos by Ardis Jensen