Friday, May 19, 2017

May Social -- Game Night

SunRiver 4th Branch May Social was "Minute to Win Game Night."  Members participated in 8 challenging feats that had to be completed in a minute.  Contest winners:  Paul Bryner -- stacking cups into a pyramid; Ardis Jensen -- stacking 29 cups on top of each other and then reversing the stack; Stephanie and Greg Smith -- picking up marshmallows with chopsticks; Cleve Waddoups -- getting cookie from forehead to mouth the fastest; Stephanie Smith -- balancing plate on her head and then putting 3 cups on that plate the quickest; Mike Morello drinking cups of water till he could find the smiley face cup. 😊  A fun time was enjoyed by all and the yummy sundaes were a hit.  Thanks to the hardworking committee behind tonight's social: Brother and Sister Gray, Mary Jo Snyder, Paul Kilbury, Tom and Nora Mann, Alan and Beth Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, Gita! Great candid shots!!! You are a great photosphere !

    Aloha, June
