Saturday, July 22, 2017

Pine Valley Social

It was the perfect summer evening! At 6,400+ feet elevation where temperatures ranged in the mid-eighties surrounded by evergreens and the stillness of Pine Mountain, nearly 75 branch members and friends gathered in Pine Valley to celebrate our pioneer heritage. Bro. Paul and Sis. Sue Olsen and their assistants (Smiths, Nichols and Colsons) organized a delicious chicken dinner with a huge array of  salads and scrumptious desserts that was enjoyed by all. Sis. Stephanie Smith spoke briefly of the pioneers who traveled so far to settle in Salt Lake Valley and the hardships they endured. She challenged us to never forget the sacrifices made by the pioneers so we can enjoy the blessings of the gospel. Stephanie also lead us all in the familiar Primary song, Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked. Another pioneer song, Whenever I Think about Pioneers was sung by Sherril and Stan Rasmussen, Ardis Jensen, Paul Bryner and Stephanie. All too soon the evening activities ended with many choosing to linger and visit as if reluctant to let go of a wonderful evening together. Let's plan to do this again!! (photo credits and text: ArdisJensen)

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