Friday, May 25, 2018

Branch Social -- Musical Readers' Theater

The production of  "David and Willie," written by Nonie Sorenson, was presented at the SunRiver 4th Branch May Social.  This musical readers' theater tells the story of the settling of St George and was performed at the St George Tabernacle for fifteen years, prior to its renovation.  We were so honored to have its creator, Sister Sorenson, present to play the piano for the entire presentation.  Also participating in "David and Willie" were Jill and Jim Sevy of Santa Clara, and Gordon and Jan Heward of St George. (Jan is Ken Oler's niece.)  Such remarkable and talented performers!  As part of the evening's tribute to remembering our pioneers, dinner tables were decorated by branch members with family memorabilia.  Our sincere thanks go to the May Social chairs Ken and Judy Oler and their hardworking committee: Paul and Elaine Bryner, Doug and Loretta Anderson, Brent and Deborah Bradbury, Gerald Rutherford, Nancy Miller, and Joyce Carlisle -- for an incredible evening.

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