Friday, December 20, 2019

Picture a Christmas -- Branch Social

SunRiver 4th Branch members, family, and friends walked into a festive cultural hall decorated with icicle lights, glittery garlands, and nativity centerpieces.  The menu included ham, a variety of cheesy potatoes and salads, rolls, and an assortment of Christmas cookies.  After a merry meal and conversation, we moved into the chapel for the spiritual portion of the program -- the viewing of Picture a Christmas -- a slide/music presentation of the sacred story of the birth of the Savior.  The evening closed with the singing of Silent Night.  Thank you to program chairs Stephanie and Greg Smith and their hardworking committee:  the Buffingtons, the Joneses, and the Kelleys, for putting together this wonderful Christmas social.  And thanks to everyone who provided food and the nativity centerpieces.  Merry Christmas to all!