Sunday, December 4, 2022

December- Sun River Creche Celebration

                                                 Sun River Creche Celebration

'Come and Behold Him'

November 30, December 1 and 2, 2022

Sun River held its annual Creche Celebration at the Country Club Drive Chapel from 3-6 pm with a musical program beginning at 4 pm with more than 50 musical guests over the 3 day event. 

What exactly does Creche mean?  Google defines Creche as a model or tableau representing the scene of Jesus Christ's birth, displayed in homes or public places at Christmas.  

Ardis Jensen provided the following statement on the origin of Creche in Sun River and her thoughts about the event:

Creche started in 2016 as a way to bring our community of Sun River together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  It was held and continues to be held at the chapel on Country Club Drive because it's the only building in the area large enough to hold such an event for that length of time.  A committee of organizers was formed with members of each branch.  Over the years, we have reached out to include other faiths to participate in our musical programs and even to offer opening prayers.  We have always made donations to Switchpoint a part of the celebration and this year there was near a thousand canned items donated plus cash offered. 

In a community such as this, where management has established rules about how publicity is handled, we are fortunate that PMP allowed our invitation to the community to scroll through the television at the Community Center for the last month and we know to helped to get the word out. It is hoped that the spirit of Christ, His Light and the peace He brings will fill our hearts at the Christmas season and always.  

We are very fortunate in this community to have so many people with so much talent and experience.  We have been able to draw on that expertise and utilize skill and talent by contacting people to organize, decorate to lead out in all the areas it takes to produce such a massive undertaking.  The response over the years has been tremendous.  Many who started on the committee continue to serve today. 

It truly takes a vision of what the Creche can do to bring people together, especially where the membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints is a mere approximate 25% in all Sun River.  It's about building relationships with our neighbors by inviting them to participate, sharing our love for Jesus Christ, and joining together to feel the Savior's light and love for all His children. 

It is our hope that we all choose to share our own nativities each year because they are dear and special to us individually and represent our love for Jesus Christ.  It has never been about a certain name brand, exotic, expensive nativity.  It is that special nativity that has a connection to our hearts.  I have one that was given to me by a woman who came each year to decorate a tree at the Visitors Center in Laie where we served our mission.  It isn't the prettiest but it is hand made and given with much love to me and it will always connect me to that lady and our love for the Savior. This year we had a whole table for a man who collects miniature nativities.  He and his wife are new home owners to Sun River but are not settled in yet but made a special trip here when they heard of our Creche Celebration. They wanted to be part of the event.  Another display this year came from a woman, not of our faith, who handmade all of the intricate pieces of her nativity and wanted to know if she could display it once again. 

The musical program is outstanding because we strive to focus on talent within our community.  Sure, we can go to town and hear professionals and we can buy expensive tickets to see popular entertainers but within our own community we have our own skilled and talented people who never get tapped or utilized and how wonderful that they can express their love for Christ through music, through stories and art.  We have had a crew of hard working, diligent, persistent organizers, pulling all the participants together.  And then there are the decorators.  A group of sisters have worked, unceasingly to make everything beautiful for us to enjoy. 

Monitors and security assignments were filled through the branches.  4th Branch has had the night security assignment to protect the creches even though the chapel and cultural hall are locked.  These brethren spend the night in the building making sure all the valuable creches are safe and secure. 

We have a publicity rep and a calligrapher who does all the name plates and a registration expert besides people over all donations. Yes, all volunteer their time and are richly blessed.  Anyone can volunteer and be involved.  Heavenly Father needs all of us to help others come unto Christ even in this corner of His kingdom in Sun River.  

Thank you, Ardis, for sharing your vision with so many people! 

Hundreds of beautiful nativities were on display. Here are a few examples. 

Thank you to each person that helped with this amazing event, participated, shared a nativity, and attended! 

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