Friday, March 17, 2023

March 181st Relief Society Birthday Party 2023


Happy 181st Birthday to the Relief Society! 


We celebrated the 181st birthday of the Relief Society organization in the chapel on Tuesday, March 14 with a special program entitled "Lighten Up", and a delicious luncheon of taco salads and cupcakes chaired by Kathleen Kubo.  

Linda Waltz conducted the meeting.  

Our first speaker was Kristy Pike, 2nd Counselor in the Bloomington Stake Relief Society.   

Donna Poulter provided a history of several very important women that helped with the organization of the Relief Society  March 17, 1842. 

A song titled Out of Small Things was sang by Patty Donohoe and Jeanie Vaughan, accompanied by Elaine Bryner.

Out of Small Things 

by Peggy Moffit

Lending an ear when someone needs a friend

Sharing a smile with someone who is weary,

Taking a hand when someone's lost their way,

Wiping a tear when someone's heart is breaking.  

Sharing the burden of a friend in need,

Lifting a soul while showing sweet compassion,

Small acts of love can change a life for good-

For out of small things, great things come to pass. 

We are His hands, who reach out to His children,

We are His arms, who gather in His sheep,

Daughters of God, loving as our Savior.

Sisters of faith, serving one another. 

Touching a heart with tender words of love.

Easing a pain with gentle understanding.

Small acts of love can change a life for good-

For out of small things, great things come to pass. 

We moved to the beautifully decorated cultural hall where Sue Rapier read some fun facts about our very talented and interesting 4th Ward sisters.  

Lunch was served by several brethren in our Ward including our Bishop! 

Linda Waltz provided the following statement:

"A special 'THANK YOU' to our wonderful Relief Society activities committee who works tirelessly to bring each activity to pass! 

So many donated time, effort and fun to make this so incredibly special." 


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