Saturday, September 16, 2023

September Relief "sole"ciety Sisters Activity 2023


Our September Activity was held on September 12th with Sisters being asked to bring a pair of shoes and tell a story about how the shoes related to her personally. 

Each table was decorated with a pair of shoes in the center and flowers around them.  What if her story was my story?  What if her shoes were my shoes? 

And cupcakes!  🧁👠

From cute sneakers to sandals, to hiking boots, and more, all were used as centerpieces. 


Sisters had a minute to share their stories about why the shoes were special to them.  

Barbara Jones brought boots that were used on a mission to Martins Cove with her husband.  

Yolie Klawitter showed her last pair of rehearsal toe shoes when she was dancing professionally.  She said 'The shoes remind me of hard work, sweat and tears.  I learned so much about discipline and the appreciation of refining an art.  Being able to dance with the most talented dancers and knowing how much work it took to get to that level.  Wonderful memories of a beautiful time.'

Angie Beirdneau brought sandals from her best friend Janice.  Angie says 'She was the kindest person I've ever known, an angel really.  Her kindness and compassion are just amazing.  She is also very hilarious, always upbeat, and could always make me smile.  I helped her not be afraid, she helped me be a better person, a kinder person.  And also taught me fun is just around the corner.  When I wear them I literally get to walk in her shoes.  We wear the same size. She is my angel.'

RoLayne Heninger showed her water shoes that she bought to take on their tour of Israel/Jordan.  She says 'They were used to float in the Dead Sea and walk through Hezekiah's Tunnel.  It was a wonderful experience and we had some personal miracles happen while we were in Israel.'  

Nola Sanford showed us her shoes that were a gift from her dear friend Linda Stallings.  'Linda struggled with MS for over 30 years and has now passed on.  She used to ride her motorized chair to church. She was a beautiful lady- always beautifully groomed and with a big smile on her face.  I miss her.'

Lora Allred said 'I was so excited to go to Israel and walk where the Savior walked.  But when I ran out the door from home I forgot my shoes that I had bought especially for hiking the stony roads of Israel.  So we rushed to the Nike outlet so I could hurriedly buy another sturdy pair of shoes just in time to catch our plane.  

I was so grateful I was able to walk in comfort as I visited the Holy Land and I felt the Savior's love and Spirit around every turn.'

Mary Jo Snyder said 'When my granddaughter was little she was so into princesses.  She always wanted to have Princess parties.  I grew up on a ranch and wore cowgirl boots a lot.  So when she came along I was inspired to buy princess shoes so we could have Princess parties.  They were actually my church shoes.'

Norma Lacy said 'I am a short person who began wearing 'high heeled' shoes in my early teens!  My stylishly captivating Puerto Rican Mother taught me that it was fun and necessary to match a dressy outfit on special occasions with just the right shoe.  The heels that I donated were my last slingback purchase for my daughters wedding; a fitting tribute to Mom as the wedding was held in the Puerto Rican church where she was married.  Since that occasion 5 years ago, I've looked longingly at them for just a moment as I choose comfort over style for these aged feet.'

Shauna Parkin says these shoes describe her: a little sassy and a little classy.  

Cheryl Goodman brought a pair of baby shoes worn by her grandson who is now 18 years old.  He made her a Grandma for the first time.  

Donna Condor said 'while living in St George the past 21 years we have hiked, camped, and explored all of Southern Utah with our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  I've gone through 3 sturdy pairs of hiking boots.  The pair of hiking boots on the table was my somewhat new waterproof Colunbia's.  I hiked when they were new to break them in with Angie B to Zion in the dead of winter.  It was snowing/raining.  We were the only ones there. It was beautiful.  And in the spring we went to Alaska in search of humpback whales.  I photographed it.  It was a bucket list.  I've seen them in California, Hawaii, Florida, and now Alaska.  Love my boots.' 

Sherril Rasmussen talked about her penny loafers.  She put dimes in her shoes instead of pennies so she would always have money to use a pay phone if necessary. She still has dimes in her penny loafers today.  

Stacey DeSilva showed a pair of shoes that she wore in a Fashion Show when Sue Olsen was Activities Committee Chairman. 

Ardis Jensen shared a pair of bronzed baby shoes.  She said ' They were my first pair of shoes which my mother kept.  She had them bronzed onto bookends and gave them to me when I graduated from high school.  They've been to college with me and my entire life since.  

Lillie Arbon showed her super sparkly shoes.  She said 'those sparkling shoes were my wedding shoes.  They were worn only to my wedding on December 29, 1960.  Coming up this December 29, 2023, they will be 60 years old and still new looking.'

Michelle Brockbank shared a story of when she visited Russia and had to rely on the Lord to get her back to her hotel in very scary circumstances.  

Along with bringing a pair of shoes to share why they were special, a second pair of slightly used or new shoes went to Switchpoint.

Lunch was beautifully displayed.  

What interests do you have?  Would you like to learn more?  Other ideas?  

Contact the Activities Committee for details.  

In wrapping up the New Testament we have the opportunity to write about an experience where we saw the influence of the Holy Ghost.  Stories will be collected and made into a booklet.   Everyone will get a copy at the November activity. 

Please email your story to

Details below

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